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Anxiety Treatment in Cork

At Last a Way Out of the Draining Cycle of Anxiety

Are You Losing Your Battle with Anxiety?

Does This Describe You?

  • You often feel overwhelmed .
  • You tend to overthink things leaving you feeling frustrated and drained.
  • You struggle to switch off and relax.
  • You feel your anxiety is getting worse and it's really getting you down.
  • You worry that stress and anxiety is making you feel physically unwell.
  • You are fearful of simple everyday things that used to be easy for you.
  • You often struggle with thoughts racing through your mind, that disturbs your sleep and makes it hard to focus during the day.
  • You have suffered panic attacks and are constantly fearful of them. 

Here at Hazelton Clinic in Cork, we are dedicated to providing high quality anxiety treatment and help people just like you to establish balance in their life and mental health. 

Struggling with any of the issues listed above?

Download our free Information pack:

5 Things You Must Know About Counselling and Anxiety

Download Anxiety Info Pack

The Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

The physical symptoms of anxiety, can create fear and worry in themselves.  This creates a cycle that for many people can escalate to anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks.

These include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pins and needles and tingling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Racing heart

The Effects of Anxiety That Nobody Talks About

Here at Hazelton clinic we see many people battling with anxiety alone. Struggling with:

  • Lack of energy - riding the rollercoaster of overwhelm and overthinking can often leave you feeling drained.
  • Fearfulness - are you fearful of everyday things that used to be easy for you.
  • Overwhelm - are you often getting so lost in the overthinking that you feel like you can't cope?
  • Depression - does your anxiety limit you from doing simple things? This can often lead to feeling down. 

Struggling with any of the issues listed above?

Download our free Information pack:

5 Things You Must Know About Counselling and Anxiety

Download Anxiety Info Pack

Anxiety Treatment At Hazelton Clinic, Cork

We Have Helped 100s of People Just Like You With Our 3 Step Anxiety Program

Step 1 - Assessment

The first stage involves getting to know all about your anxiety.  We will take a full history of:

  • How it started.
  • How it effects you day to day.
  • What treatments you have tried (if you have).
  • What your symptoms prevent you from doing.

This is all important in enabling your therapist to select the right tools for you and make an effective treatment plan for your specific case. 

Step 2 - Learning

You counsellor will make a treatment plan and support you in learning how to tackle your anxiety.  This may include but may not be limited to:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Visualisation/Relaxation/Meditation Techniques
  •  Post Traumatic Stress counselling
  • Anger Management

Step 3 - Recovery and Management

This vital step helps prepare you for life after anxiety!

Now, it is important to understand and accept that life is a full contact sport, and it is normal to feel anxious in certain circumstances.

This step will teach you to recognise:

  • What your individual triggers are.
  • Signs your anxiety may be starting to escalate.

Armed with the tools you learnt in step 2, regain control and live a balanced and more harmonious life.


Anxiety Counselling At The Hazelton Clinic

We have a panel of highly qualified and experienced male and female counsellors and Psychotherapists as well as adult and child Clinical Psychology Services.

Why Not Take Us Up On One of Our Free Options?

Free Phone Consultation

Would you like to know more about our Anxiety treatment services?

Click the button below and fill in the form to request a FREE no obligation call with one of our friendly and knowledgable team.

Click on the button below to arrange your Free Consultation.

Free Information Pack

Would you like some more information about anxiety counselling? 

Download our free Information pack:

5 Things You Must Know About Counselling and Anxiety

Click the button below to instantly download your free pack.

Request a Free Anxiety Consultation
Download Free Info Pack

Why Choose Us?

Convenient Opening Hours

We understand how busy life can get and how hard it can be to find time to schedule appointments around work.

So that you can prioritise yourself and focus on your wellbeing rather than asking for time off work, we are open:

Monday to Saturday 9am to 9pm

Wide Range of Counselling Services

We offer a range of  Counselling services all under one roof for your convenience: 

  • Couples Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Depression
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Behavioural Issues in Children and Teenagers
  • Bereavement
  • Post Natal Depression
  • Post Traumatic Stress



Wide Range of Clinical Psychology Services

We also offer a wide range of Clinical Psychology services including but not limited to:

  • Educational Reports
  • Medico-legal Reports
  • Court appearances
  • Psychological testing for high-risk public safety positions
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Distance Counselling and Psychotherapy

If travel time or scheduling are an issue for you, we offer several options:

  • Telephone Counselling Appointment
  • Skype Counselling Appointments
  • Other media such as Gtalk, Viber 

This enables you to still get the help and support you need at a time and location to suit you. 

Workshops, Classes and Coaching

We offer workshops on:

  • Anger management
  • Introduction to Stress Management
  • Confidence Building

We also offer Mindfulness Coaching  that can help if you are struggling with:

  • Stress
  • Grief
  • Depression 
  • Anxiety

Not Sure If This is Right for you?

Would you like more Information?

Download our free Information pack:

5 Things You Must Know About Counselling and Anxiety

Free Information Pack

5 Things You Must Know About Counselling and Anxiety

Hazelton Clinic

Ardfallen Medical Centre,

1 Douglas Road



T12 Y8C2

Call Us :21 493 6006

πŸ“žTel : 21 493 6006

Online / Telephone Counselling and Psychotherapy

If you are unable to attend the clinic at the moment or travel time or scheduling are an issue for you, we offer several options:

  • Telephone Counselling Appointment
  • Skype Counselling Appointments
  • Other media such as Gtalk, Viber

This enables you to still get the help and support you need at a time and location to suit you such as the privacy of your own home.

Fill in the form below to get started.

Not Sure What to Do or Who to Ask?

Not able to get into clinic at the moment?
Don't worry we can still help you.
Schedule a video/online consultation with one of our dedicated team to get the help and advice you need.

Fill in the form to set up a Free Phone Consultation with one of our friendly and knowledgeable team to discuss your specific problem.

Request Free Consultation

One of our friendly team will be in touch to discuss your specific problem


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